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[bin]uimage_3352_128512_tsm_v6.50.md527.1MFirmware image
[txt]sha11K Checksum
[txt]sha2561K Checksum
[txt]WTI Console MIB20K MIB

Release Notes

Before upgrading, we recommend reviewing the Release Notes in full.
Notes for this specific release are below.
Release Version  6.50  May 22, 2017
1.	Openssl 1.0.2k – fips  26 Jan  2017 
2.	apache httpd: 2.4.25
3.	Openssh: 7.5p1
4.	ADDED – The unit will now make an audit log entry when /I command
                is used to restore last known working configuration.
5.	SNMP Parameters independently configurable per interface and per 
                Protocol via CLI and WEB interface. 
6.	ADDED – A user definable Keep alive, interval timer, was added to scripting options,
                found under the system parameters. Default interval is 7200 seconds.